The right fit for your child.
Room For Growing Educational Learning Center offers a flexible comprehensive preschool educational program and a nurturing stimulating environment for infants and toddlers. We provide care for children 6 weeks to 6 years old.
Room For Growing believes that every child is a special and unique individual. Our main goal is to develop happy and secure children by fostering independence, developing a positive self worth, and building confidence.
Our programs build a firm foundation for children to be lifelong learners and develop a love for learning. Room For Growing provides consistent and reasonable limits so children can respond with respect for themselves and others.
We affirm parents are the most important people in the lives of their children. We have established and will promote healthy parent partnerships. We will work toward bridging the gap between home and childcare.
At Room For Growing we are dedicated to the development and training of staff. Room For Growing and the staff stay on the forefront of early childhood development, reassessing our goals and visions for the future, and keeping our focus on building quality educational programs.
Room For Growing is GSA Approved.
(from 6 weeks)

The children in this room range from 6 weeks to 18 months old. The state required teacher to student ratio is 1 to 4. Each child is provided with their own crib and their own bins for personal belongings. There is no set schedule for this room, allowing the flexibility for the teachers to work with parents to provide the best quality care for their infant.
(from 16 months)

Ready, Set, GROW!!! The age range in this room is 18-33 months and the teacher/child ratio is 1-7. The children in this room follow a daily activities schedule which includes free play, circle time, art, music, nap, gross motor, fine motor, sign language and much more! It's the Potty Training Years!!!
Early Preschool
(2-3 years)

Let’s Explore!! The children in this room are between the ages of 3 and 4. These students become more involved learners in their environment. The core of our preschool program is from 8:30-12:30 in which the students participate in circle time activities, story, art, music, gym, and fine motor development.
(4-5 years)

Ready to Learn!! The children in this room are between the ages of 4 and 5. This room has a similar schedule as the Preschool 1 room. More of a curriculum is introduced based on the center’s theme’s calendar and developmentally appropriate subjects that prepare these students for kindergarten.
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