Philosophy and Practices

Room For Growing believes that every child is a special and unique individual. Our main goal is to develop happy and secure children by fostering independence, developing a positive self worth, and building confidence.
We strive to create an atmosphere that allows the children to interact with their environment, to experience hands on exploration and accommodate their different learning styles. Through a variety of individual and group activities, children are provided with opportunities in mathematics, reading readiness, music and movement, science, sensory and creative art. These activities are designed to help children develop socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically. Our programs build a firm foundation for children to be lifelong learners and develop a love for learning.
Room For Growing provides consistent and reasonable limits so children can respond with respect for themselves and others. This is a safe place for children and their parents. You will not be judged because of race, religion, financial or gender differences. We believe children and families deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. We affirm parents are the most important people in the lives of their children. We have established and will promote healthy parent partnerships. We will work toward bridging the gap between home and childcare.
At Room For Growing we are dedicated to the development and training of staff. Room For Growing and the staff stay on the forefront of early childhood development, reassessing our goals and visions for the future, and keeping our focus on building quality educational programs.