
Learn, Play, Grow

The schedule of the classroom depends on the individual baby. Your infant will be assigned to a primary caregiver. You will have the opportunity to discuss your baby’s routine and needs at the time of your intake conference which is done before your child’s first day. Parents together with your Infants’ primary caregiver create a schedule based on what the baby’s needs and demands are.

The curriculum is environmentally based. All of the infant’s activities are planned through the classroom environment. Changes to the environment are made monthly to help the children grow, learn and explore in their own way and at their own rate. All activities are planned with your baby’s age and developmental stage in mind. Individual lessons and planned activities are implemented around your child’s meal schedules, during feeding, and diaper times and nap times.

Language Development- We foster your infants’ blossoming language skill through the use of songs, stories, and finger plays. Encouraging children to use their words. We also teach simple sing language or baby signs as a tool to enhance their communication ability.

Art & Sensory- Activities can be very messy but are a very important part of an infant’s learning process.

Self-Help- As your baby gets older, teachers will encourage children to feed themselves, and wash their hands.

Large Motor- We encourage the babies to participate in games, music and movement

Cognitive and Small Motor- They will be given an opportunity to try out their small motor and strengthen the dexterity in their fingers by providing a variety of manipulative toys.

Social and emotional- Social play will start with interactions with the primary caregiver and will follow through to learning to play side by side with a friend. Teachers will promote self esteem and self worth in all children.

Daily notes called Infant Talks are sent home for parents with information about your child’s day including diaper changes, meal records, nap records, and general mood of your child.

Room For Growing uses The Creative Curriculum for our Infant program. The curriculum combines the most current research and knowledge about caring for infants. Our teachers deliver responsive and consistent care that allow infants to develop secure attachments and gain confidence in themselves as learners.