
Ready to Learn!! The children in this room are between the ages of 4 and 5. This room has a similar schedule as the Preschool 1 room. More of a curriculum is introduced based on the center’s theme’s calendar and developmentally appropriate subjects that prepare these students for kindergarten in terms of letter recognition and writing, phonic sounds, problem solving techniques, and much more! Some developmental milestones for this room include:
- Improved communication skills such as facial gestures, body mimicking, verbal expression; increased vocabulary up to 8,000 words; story sequencing, and sharing
- Gross Motor development by means of improved coordination, balance, stamina, and perceptual judgment
- Fine motor development such as drawing family pictures, printing letters and words, and dressing with minimal assistance of snaps, buttons, laces, and zippers
- Social & Emotional growth in terms of self regulation of emotions & behaviors, improved sharing techniques with fellow students, cooperative play and problem solving with other students
- Demonstrates independence and individuality by saying "No" or "Me do it"
- Body awareness, such as kicking a ball, or throwing a bean bag or scribbling
- Begins to combine words to express wants and needs
- Begins to show empathy for others
- Social and Emotional growth by cooperative play and helping others
- Improved language skills such as the use of simple sentences, an increase vocabulary ranging from 2,000-4,000 words, and sequencing stories
- Social and emotional growth by means of sharing, taking turns & cooperative play
- Fine and Gross Motor development such as, building block towers, drawing shapes, undressing without assistance, various animal walks, and improved coordination and balance
Room For Growing also uses the Creative Curriculum. This curriculum balances both teacher-directed and child-initiated learning, with an emphasis on responding to children's learning styles and building on their strengths and interests. It features goals and objectives linked directly to our reliable assessment instrument.